Friday 27 October 2017


We have had lots of fun today dressing up for Halloween and raising money for the NSPCC. Thank you for all the kind donations. Have a lovely half term. Mrs Gibson.

R.E -Kindness

We have been thinking about kindness during our R.E lessons. We made up our own stories to show kindness and enjoyed performing them to the class.

Art lesson

We have been busy over the last few weeks designing and making some African mask designs out of clay. This week we have been having fun painting them.

Making 3D shapes

We really enjoyed making 3D shapes and counting the numbers of edges and vertices. We showed our shapes in a 3D shape museum.

Thursday 12 October 2017


In Maths we have been looking at the properties of 2D shapes. We enjoyed finding the number of sides and vertices on polygons and also made some triangles. We also enjoyed finding lines of symmetry on different 2D shapes.

Coastal features

In Geography we enjoyed looking at coastal features.

We had to match the coastal feature to the description.


We have been having fun looking at habitats.

We had to find things that were alive, dead or things that have never been living.